
Saturday, 8 April 2017

Kroviniu Draudimas. Sutarties Bendrosios Savokos

Draudikas – AB „Draudimo Bendrovė “. 1.2. Draudėjas – asmuo, kuris kreipėsi į draudiką dėl kroviniu draudimo sutarties sudarymo ar kuriam draudikas pasiūlė sudaryti draudimo sutartį, arba kuris sudarė draudimo sutartį su draudiku. 1.3. Draudimo sutartis – sutartis, kurios šalys yra draudikas ir draudėjas. Draudėjas draudimo sutartimi įsipareigoja mokėti draudikui draudimo įmokas.
Draudikas draudimo sutartimi įsipareigoja sumokėti draudėjui, draudimo sutartyje nurodytam naudos gavėjui ar trečiajam asmeniui, kurio naudai sudaryta draudimo sutartis, draudimo sutartyje nustatytą draudimo išmoką, apskaičiuotą draudimo sutartyje nustatyta tvarka, jeigu įvyksta draudimo sutartyje nustatytas draudžiamasis įvykis. Draudimo sutartį sudaro šios draudimo taisyklės, prašymas sudaryti draudimo sutartį (jeigu jis buvo pateiktas), draudimo liudijimas, draudimo liudijime nurodytais atvejais numeruoti draudimo sutarties priedai.

1.4. Draudimo taisyklės (toliau – Taisyklės) draudimo sutarties standartinės sąlygos, kurios yra neatskiriama draudimo sutarties dalis. Taisykles sudaro: 

1.4.1. I dalis Bendrosios sąlygos;

1.4.2. II dalis Draudimo sąlygos;

1.4.3. III dalis Draudimo apsaugos papildomos sąlygos;

Draudikas ir draudėjas susitaria, kurios iš Draudimo sąlygų, Draudimo apsaugos papildomų sąlygų bus taikomos draudimo sutarčiai ir jas nurodo draudimo liudijime. 

1.5. Prašymas sudaryti draudimo sutartį (toliau – Prašymas) – draudiko nustatytos formos rašytinis dokumentas, kuriuo išreiškiamas ketinimas sudaryti draudimo sutartį su draudiku ir kuriuo draudikui suteikiama informacija apie aplinkybes, turinčias įtakos draudimo rizikai.

1.6. Draudimo liudijimas – draudiko išduodamas dokumentas, patvirtinantis draudimo sutarties sudarymą. 

1.7. Draudimo rizika – draudimo objektui gresiantis tikėtinas pavojus. 

1.8. Naudos gavėjas – draudimo sutartyje nurodytas asmuo arba draudėjo, o draudimo sutartyje nustatytais atvejais ir apdraustojo paskirtas asmuo, turintis teisę gauti draudimo išmoką. 

1.9. Trečiasis asmuo – asmuo, nesusijęs draudimo santykiais su draudiku ir draudėju pagal šių Taisyklių pagrindu sudarytą draudimo sutartį. Trečiuoju asmeniu nelaikomas asmuo, susijęs su draudiku ar draudėju darbo ar civiliniais sutartiniais santykiai; esantis draudėjo šeimos nariu ar su draudėju bendrą ūkį vedantis asmuo.

1.10. Su draudėju susiję asmenys – draudėjo darbuotojai ir asmenys, kuriems draudėjas pavedė ar kitaip teisėtai patikėjo saugoti draudimo objektą, rūpintis juo, kiti įstatymų nustatyta tvarka įgalioti atstovai. 

1.11. Draudimo suma – draudimo sutartyje nurodyta arba Taisyklių Draudimo sąlygose ir/arba Draudimo apsaugos papildomose sąlygose nustatyta tvarka apskaičiuota pinigų suma, kurios neviršydamas draudikas atlygina draudžiamojo įvykio metu patirtus nuostolius.

1.12. Draudimo vertė – draudžiamų turtinių interesų vertė, kuri išreiškiama pinigais bei nustatoma draudimo sutartyje numatytu būdu. 

1.13. Besąlyginė išskaita (frančizė) – suma, kuria kiekvieno draudžiamojo įvykio atveju draudikas mažina mokėtiną draudimo išmoką, išskyrus atvejus, nurodytus Taisyklių Draudimo sąlygose ir/arba Draudimo apsaugos papildomose sąlygose. 

1.14. Draudimo objektas – apdrausti turtiniai interesai, apibrėžiami draudimo sutartyje. 

1.15. Draudžiamasis įvykis – draudimo sutartyje nurodytas atsitikimas, kuriam įvykus draudikas privalo mokėti draudimo išmoką. 

1.16. Nedraudžiamasis įvykis – draudimo sutartyje ir/ar įstatymuose nurodytas atsitikimas, kuriam įvykus draudikas nemoka draudimo išmokos. 

1.17. Žala – turto sunaikinimas, sugadinimas, praradimas, asmens sužalojimas ar gyvybės atėmimas ir dėl to patirtos išlaidos (tiesioginiai nuostoliai) dėl draudimo sutartyje nurodytų draudžiamųjų įvykių. Taisyklių Draudimo sąlygose ir/arba Draudimo apsaugos papildomose sąlygose atsižvelgiant į draudimo objektą, žala gali būti apibrėžiama kitaip. 

1.18. Nuostoliai – patirtos žalos piniginė išraiška. 

1.19. Subrogacija (draudiko regresinio reikalavimo teisė) – draudiko teisė reikalauti išmokėtų sumų iš atsakingo už padarytą žalą asmens. 

1.20. Sistema – kompiuteriai (elektroninės skaičiavimo mašinos), kitokia skaičiavimo, elektroninė ir/ar mechaninė įranga, kuri yra prijungta prie kompiuterio, kompiuterio aparatinė dalis, programinė įranga, elektroniniai duomenų apdorojimo įrenginiai ir visa kita, kieno darbas visiškai ar iš dalies priklauso nuo integroscheminės sistemos (integruotų schemų bei mikrokontrolerių).

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Paprastas ir Patikimas Tarptautinis Kroviniu Pervežimas Sunkvezimiais Su siūlo greitai ir lengvai palyginti kainas daliniu ir pilnu krovinių gabenimui iš Europos. Jums tereikia tik pasirinkti vaziavimo kryptį! Musu imone palaiko partnerystės ryšius su daugeliu ivairiu dydziu keliu transporto įmonėms, ir ekspeditoriais. Musu klientai visada gali tikėtis geriausio pasiulymo rinkoje ir geriausiomis kainomis, taip pat specialiųjų sąlygų transportui, įskaitant temperaturiunius krovinius.

Dėl didžiulės patirties dirbant su įvairių įmonių, siūlo paslaugas krovinių vezimui ir krovinių pristatymą (1k). Ivairių transporto įmonių rodymas vienme sustiprintame tinkle leidžia parodyti lankstu pasiulyma klientams, taippat padeda sumažinti klientu laiką ir išlaidas.

Galėsite pasirinkti kroviniu gabenimas įgyvendinima savo būdu: automobiliu, lėktuvu, traukiniu ar jūra. Visos paslaugos yra prieinamos juridiniams ir privatiems asmenims. Klientai gali gauti pilną transporto ir logistikos, muitinės ir tarpininkavimo paslaugas, taip pat krovinys draudimo paslaugas.
Yra daug privalumų, bendradarbiaujant su, pavyzdziui:

  • Pristatymas gali būti iš visos Europos
  • Galite palyginti kainas ir pasirinkti patraukliausią variantą
  • Pristatymas gali būti atliekamas skirtingų tipų transporto
  • bet kokio dydžio, tūrio ir svorio, daliniai kroviniai įskaitant krovinių pristatymą ir vezima.
  •  Galėsite rinktis patikimiausias keliu transporto krovinių gabenima
  • mokejimas uz kroviniu gabenima per mokejimo sistema užtikrina tiek kliento tiek vežėjo saugumą. Transporto įmonė gaus lėšų, tik jeigu klientui bus ivykdyta pristatymas.

Tarptautinis kroviniu gabenimo tinklas nuolat auga ir plečiasi, tam kad pateiktumeme klientams geriausias pasiūlymas rinkoje. Tuo pačiu metu, tiekėjų gali laisvai galite patalpinti ir reklamuoti savo maršrutus sistemoje, kuri leis pritraukti klientus ir padėti planuoti ir optimizuoti kroviniu vezimo procesus.

Paprasta valdymo sistema leis jums pateikti užsakymą be sunkumų, atlikti mokėjimą, ir stebėti visą vezimo procesą. Jūs įvertinsite paprastumą, patikimumą, saugumą ir patogumą tarptautinių krovinių gabenimo procese su Partnerių tinklas apima daugelį Europos miestų, todėl jūs galite pasirinkti tikslu maršrutą ir pristatymo  taška.

Visi leistini pasiūlymų bus įrašytas ir jūs galite matyti juos ir palyginti kainas. Visas procesas yra paprastas, todel padės jums sumažinti laiko ir materialinių sąnaudų, ir galiausiai jums bus suteikta galimybė išvengti nereikalingų problemų.

Naudokites jau šiandien ir gaukite prekes kuo greičiau!

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Bedeutung von Palettenregalen in Lagern und Industrien

Industries, Lagerhallen und Unternehmen sind immer auf der Suche nach Möglichkeiten, qui verwenden Sie können ihre Lagerung zu maximieren, so dass sie unterbringen können größere Produkte und FulFil Die steigenden Anforderungen der Kunden. Den Speicherplatz zu erhöhen, ist von Bedeutung, wenn Sie augmenter die Produktivität Ihres Unternehmens und Gewinne schütten wollen. Solche qui Ein Produkt, das Sie in Ihrem Lager oder in der Industrie ist die Palettenregalsystem einführen kann. Mit den Palettenregale , können Sie mehr Speichereinheiten , bis zu 3 bis 4 mal als die üblichen Raum aufzunehmen. Es gibt eine Reihe von Vorteilen, qui können Sie aus den Palettenregalen erwarten. Die ersten vier Plätze werden hier unten angegeben: -

Mehr Platz - Der größte Vorteil eines Palettenregalsystem in Ihrem Lager oder in der Industrie ist, dass es mehr Platz bietet und sehr wenig Platz sie selbst in Anspruch nehmen. Folglich könnten Sie mehr Einzelteile / Produkte speichern und damit die Gewinne und Produktivität Ihres Unternehmens steigern. Palettenregale sind einfach und bequemer als Regale zu verwenden. Der Daher nutzen Sie bitte Hallen und Branchen können Racks in die Verarbeitung, ohne zu viel zu verbringen.

Sicherheit: - Da Palettenregale aus hochwertigen Materialien gefertigt sind, bieten sie ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit und die Sicherheit für alle Arbeitnehmer. Es wird jedoch empfohlen, die Sicherheitsanweisungen zu befolgen, das Auftreten von Verletzungen und Unfälle zu vermeiden.
Praktisch - Palettenregale werden als effektive Wege augmenter Jahr die Effizienz Ihres Unternehmens zu gießen. Sie sind sehr einfach und bequem zu bedienen. Sie brauchen keine Vorkenntnisse zu haben, bevor Racks verwenden. Sie können sich als pro Ihre Speicherkapazität und Bedürfnisse gefüllt werden.

Flexibel: - Palettenregale kommen in einer Vielzahl von Formen und Größen. Da jedes einzelne Geschäft ist und so sind die Bedürfnisse. Der Daher müssen Sie eine Palettenregal zu holen, die perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens erfüllt. Können Sie von verschiedenen Formen und Designs nach Ihren geschäftlichen Anforderungen wählen.

Das waren die wichtigsten Vorteile von sperrgutversand preisse im Geschäft mit. Wenn Sie Geld auf einige speichern möchten Mai aussi Sie gebrauchte Palettenregale statt kaufen neue erwerben. Es gibt verschiedene Unternehmen verkaufen, die Palettenregale in New Jersey. Sie müssen nur die renommierte und vertrauenswürdige Unternehmen zu finden, mit denen Sie Ihre Schirmherrschaft vertrauen können.

Es gibt zahlreiche Firmen, die die LTL Fracht  in Deutschland verkaufen. Ob Sie planen, eine neue zu kaufen oder eine gebrauchte zu kaufen, vertrauen immer den renommierten Unternehmen.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Send Pallets with Transportify

Would you like to send large packages, both in size and weight? This article is made for you and allows you to send your voluminous parcels at a small expense and as soon as possible. Save money on freight charges with our price 
comparison service from our international partner carriers.
What is a pallet?

pallet delivery service  is defined by a loading unit. It is based on a loading platform (wood, aluminum or plastic) on which the goods will be placed during transport. For best retention of the products loaded on it, the best solution is to wrap the whole in a plastic film, called palletizing film. Palletizing corresponds to the fact to load products or goods on a pallet.

The maximum weight cannot exceed 300kg. Moreover, its height should not exceed 180cm. The pallets used are generally in conformity with international standards (Euro EPAL or Europe pallet). The weight of a vacuum pallet is minimum 20kg and its dimensions are 120cm x 80cm x 180cm.
It is essential to provide easy access for its removal and routing due to the use of a forklift truck or pallet truck. However, be aware that pallet shipments by carriers are reserved exclusively for companies. Indeed, a regulation prohibits an individual from carrying a package of more than 30kg units.

Why use this mode?

The packaging of goods on a pallet facilitates their transport, in particular for large volumes, and protects them from possible shocks which they might suffer during their conveyance to their destination. The pallet has facilitated the handling of parcels, partly thanks to the movement of these with pallet trucks.

There are several types of pallets (wood, aluminum, plastic) depending on the goods to be transported and the type of transport chosen (lighter and stronger pallets for air freight).

Practical aspects of pallet shipment:  

 are mainly used in road transport, but they can also be used for any other type of transport.
In the case of international shipments, however, it is advisable to obtain information on the transport rules of the country in question and to ensure that the latter accepts the pallets as a shipping medium for the goods. Indeed, some countries are very restrictive on the use of pallets because they can contain and spread disease, especially with the use of wood. A wood treatment must then be carried out beforehand to prevent these inconveniences.

The pallets can be of different colors when they are logged, you will then have to inquire with the sender in order to guarantee the return of this one. If you have more than 30kg of unpalletted merchandise, most carriers will not take care of it. Similarly, if you do not have a loading dock, give it to your carrier to come with the proper loading equipment.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Types of Pallet Load Services in Europe

Load & GO - Partial Load / Full Load

Very economical and suitable solution for those who wish to carry the maximum quantity of merchandise at low prices on distant language's but also for those who are able to carry out their own packaging and product protection as well as to help our driver with the Loading/unloading van or truck - side of the road only. This is also known as part load service in Europe.

You might be surprised how much you can save on your move by doing these few "extra services" yourself.
In a world where prices continue to rise, we are all looking to save money whenever we can!

Loading / Unloading - Truck (s) with full load

Our driver will attend with the loading/unloading of your goods - roadside only. You have a 3-hour window for loading/unloading unless prior agreement has been made with our sales team.

Adequate labor is required at both collection and delivery points to load/unload the vehicle. Namely, if you have sofas and beds that require 2 people to lift them and you have only booked 1 van with 1 driver, then you will need to arrange at least 1 person capable on the day of pickup/delivery of 'Help our driver. If you have larger and heavier cabinets that require 4 people to lift them, then you need to provide 3 people.

Pickup / Delivery - Truck (s) with full load

We can reserve the pick-up day after acceptance of our quotation. You can also indicate your dates in advance and simply confirm the acceptance of the estimate. With fully loaded trucks we generally try to organize the pickup in the morning - with a few exceptions, such as in Paris or London where we may be required to make a collection or delivery either very early in the morning or in the evening for Avoid traffic and parking problems, this being obviously organized in advance and with the agreement of the customer.

You can change the date of transport of a full load truck without any charges provided that we are notified at least 3 days before the originally scheduled transport date. A change of date to less than 3 days of the scheduled date will entail financial penalties because at this point the vehicle is firmly booked, and often we have declined other transport to make yours.

The exact time of arrival of trucks at full load will be transmitted by our logistics department between 36H and 12H before transport unless you have made a reservation for a specific time.

Loading / Unloading - Truck (s) ½ load

This service is suitable for customers who wish to carry less than 12m3 and 600kgs maximum on the longest possible distance at the lowest price. Just as for trucks with the full load the customer carries himself the packaging of the objects for their protection during transport.

The client must provide assistance to the driver to load and unload the van or truck.
Our driver helps to load and unload the truck, limited assistance from the ground floor of your property, your house or the building where your apartment is located). You have 1 hour for loading and 1 hour for unloading unless a specific agreement has been reached with our sales team, prior to the date of the move.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Find out more about wood pellets or pellets

Pellet is the English name given to wood pellets. The pellet delivery service is a fuel derived from the compaction of the by-products of the first processing of wood (such as sawdust) which are refined, dried and then highly compressed without glue or additive (max 2%). 

The diameter of the wood pellets oscillates between 6 and 8 mm and it measures between 15 and 25 mm. Their moisture content is very low less than 10%, which optimizes their combustion and calorific output (5 kWh per kg).
700,000 tons were produced in 2012 by the 131 producers, which makes it possible to meet the national demand.

Shipments of cargoes

When you book a complete cargo shipment, you get the strong network partnerships transport that allows CSA to be one of the first companies shipping goods partial load (CP) Canada / State -United.

- Pellets Delivery

Pellets are supplied in bags (15kg in general), in the range of 1 ton (950 to 1050kg depending on the manufacturer) or bulk per ton (if that requires a 
specific truck called "blower truck").

The freight costs are quite high because delivery monopolizes a delivery driver and a large truck. A carrier asks on average 60 € for 1 pallet delivery service and not much more 2 pallets ... so it can be interesting to make reservations if you have enough storage space.

It is sometimes possible to take the pellets on hand to avoid shipping 

- Pellets Price

The price mainly varies according to the distance of delivery, packaging and product quality. The purchase of bulk costs less than the pallet of 65 bags (on average), as is the purchase of an uncertified product (vs din +, NF HQ, En + which we speak elsewhere).

- Storage pellets

Pellets are fragile and it is important to avoid shocks (Otherwise the granules become dust and lose some of their calorific value).
Also, avoid any moisture! It is not only a matter of storing them in the rain, but also of finding a dry place (to prevent the pellets from being loaded with water contained in the air).

If you buy bags, avoid pouring the pellets directly into the tank. Go through a container (a bucket for example) to spread the "thin".
- Use in a pellet stove

Except to use a cart to pellets, the pellets are not used in wooden vessels.
The use of these specific devices that are stoves or pellet boilers brings many benefits:

* A controlled combustion and optimized (due to near real-time electronic settings).
* An easy installation in ducts
* Lack of chore or almost
ignition and supply are automatic. The harder to put wood back every hour ... The ash rate is less than 1%.
* Environment and air quality preserved (Burning pellets in a burning stove pellets 

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Delivery of Pallets in France and Abroad : A Case That Rolls

Every day, the pallet quickly became a necessary object, regardless of the sector of activity, to become a counting unit for the loading and storage of goods but how to route them? To move and easily store heavy and bulky equipment, the simplest way is to load on a pallet. Similarly, many parcels to the same address will be loaded more quickly if they are grouped on the same pallet that they must be loaded and unloaded individually whether professional or private individuals, your customers will appreciate being offered a delivery on pallets, which will greatly facilitate their handling operations.

However, pallet transport cannot be improvised. Obviously, such a bulky object cannot simply be left at the local post office. If large transport companies such as UPS, FedEx or DHL take care of pallet delivery, you still have to decide which one to choose and for what service. The easiest way is then to go through a price comparison site like Upala, who will open the whole range of offers from major carriers.

Some basic precautions

In addition to the special precautions to be taken for pallets of special products (fresh and frozen products ...), some advice should be taken when shipping pallets, regardless of the type of goods.

Always firmly film pallets made of several cartons or crates or hanging goods on pallets directly to avoid any falls and a scattering or breakage of goods. Also, be sure to balance the load and put the heaviest boxes first.

Check the pallet height is less than that of the doors through which they will have to spend, shipping and at the reception: there is nothing more frustrating for a customer than to see his order to remain outside, or having the Defile and unload the cartons one by one, because the height of the pallet exceeds that of the door or gate through which it is supposed to pass. This is especially true in the case of delivery to an individual or punctual customer, who may not be in the habit of receiving this type of shipment. A simple reminder of the dimensions of the object, in bold for better visibility and inserted into your order form, normally avoids the inconvenience.

3 tips to properly prepare your pallet shipment

Tip # 1:

When sending a palette via the SendMeShield site, the pallet's characteristics (weight and dimensions) must be included in the declaration. The unit weight of a vacuum pallet is minimum 20 kg.

For transport, we recommend using standard European or Eur EPAL pallets (120 x 80 x height), according to international standards.

Tip # 2:

Before shipping a pallet from your company, consider checking for accessibility by the carrier. For collectors of this type of shipment, drivers typically arrive with large trucks with a liftgate. To handle your pallet, the driver will have to use a manual pallet truck. It is, therefore, mandatory to take care of your pallet on the ground floor without obstacles.

Note: For TNT carriers, FedEx, DHL and Varillon Logistique, the liftgate is supplied by the carrier. For the Breger carrier, the option is checked at the time the order is placed.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Sending And Tracking Parcels

 pallet delivery services | Transportify

Do you want to save on the sending and tracking parcels in France, Europe and around the world? You have a wide choice of 
pallet delivery services powered by quality carriers such as DHL express, TNT express, FEDEX International, UPS or GEFCO? To send a parcel, on we compare to the services and sending prices of parcels and pallets to France and abroad. In just a few clicks, you can access the exclusive and negotiated rates of our partner carriers.

Carriers and courier partners

We have taken care to choose carriers of international reputation, reliable, efficient and excellent value for money. When you select an international carrier, you get a quality service, tailored to your needs delivery or courier in Europe and abroad.

How it Works

To use our service for sending parcels, it is very simple:

  1.  Complete the form with the features of your package (size and weight)
  2.  Compare deductions and customize your transportation deals
  3. Fill in the sender and recipient details
  4. Set the amount of transport by Credit Card, PayPal or Wire Transfer
  5. Print and paste on your package label you receive by mail
  6. Entrust your package to the previously selected carrier 
         (Removal or deposited in agency)


Delivery usually takes 10 days of your order. The service is guaranteed by a network of carriers active in the departments where BoisOnLine operates its distribution business. Trucks are used trucks 19 tons: the trucks are 9, 20 meters long, 2.50 meters wide and 3.65 meters high. It is your responsibility to check: the possibility for such a truck to reach you: it is the way closed to trucks? Is not the way too narrow? Or deadlock?

The products are packed in bags or packs and delivered on pallets. Delivery means placing the ordered pallets at the point where the truck can access and unload.The sole task of the carrier is to unload the goods from his truck: moving and storing the pallets is the exclusive responsibility of the customer. In no case will the delivery man handle the bags or the packs: he will only handle full pallets.

What would become of the best products if it did not arrive on time?

To be competitive every day, you need a partner for the transport of pallet services that respects your commitments. Breaking records make sense only if they benefit your business.

With 120 sites throughout first-class transport facilities, TNT Express deals with a mesh network and a distribution network that is particularly dense and efficient. This device allows delivery to the recipients of 52,000 business customers, all over the hexagon the next morning.

Globally, TNT ships 1 million parcels, documents, and merchandise to more than 200 countries every day through a network of 2,331 depots, platforms and sorting centers. We have the densest road and air network in Europe with 30,000 vehicles on the road and 46 aircraft. Our worldwide pallet transport business, particularly in Asia, is continually being developed to optimize the performance of our distribution network.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

The Crisis Converts Full Batches (FTL) Into Partial Batches (LTL)

 LTL freight | Transportify 

In the first half of 2013, there was an increase of 2.59% compared to full-truckload (LTL) compared to full-load (Full Truckload FTL) in 2011, raising the percentage of lots To 40.34% at the European level. In summary, out of 10 LTL freights deposited, 4 are partial and 6 are complete. In the sector, there is a tendency to think that because of the crisis, customers are no longer buying full trailers of goods but smaller ones that do not fill a truck.

These are intermediate loads, larger than one or two pallets, sometimes half a truck, which cannot be sent by system pallets or parcel carriers, but which are not sufficient to fill an entire truck. The search for this type of pallet delivery service makes the work of the carrier more difficult since the timetable and the journey must also coincide with the number of meters available in the truck. It is also necessary to add the requirement of the customer to receive his goods with the same punctuality as with a complete truck.

Each month, 200,000 trucks registered for partial lots (LTL). The number of trucks registered and available for partial lots on European routes is around 200,000 per month. The percentage of trucks registered for part-loads in Spain is higher than in Europe. In Spain, 37% of trucks are available for the transport of partial lots, compared with 32.41% for European journeys, according to the statistics of May 2013.

LTL countries from Spain

During the first 5 months of 2013, the number of partial lots in Spain decreased by 0.85% but the percentage of exports increased. The LTL freight is mainly exported to France, which occupies the first place with 38% of the partial lots, followed by Portugal with 27%, Germany, and Italy each with 10%. It should be noted that partial lots were exported to Portugal, the country where they increased the most compared to 2012, as did Germany and Italy where they also increased, but to a lesser extent. On the other hand, the partial consignments to France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom decreased slightly.

Solution to the half-lot problem

The market for half-lots or partial lots is very important, not only for the volume that this represents (40% of the freight) but also for the degree of user satisfaction with the response obtained. Carrying a partial lot often makes the difference between making the trip worthwhile and losing money. Knowing that it is already difficult to find freight or a full truck for a particular journey and date, it is even more so when finding a carrier with the necessary space available in his truck.